Tonight was the perfect night for taking photographs!!! Almost too good infact. I couldn't work out which to photograph first. To the West, a perfect sunset and to the East, a full moon rising from the treetops against a bruised purple sky.
I realised as I was busy snapping away, that I had been neglecting my photography over the past few weeks. I love heading out with my camera and searching for the perfect shot is very enjoyable; Somehow with the arrival of spring however, I have felt less inspired. It should work the other way around I know. Spring should theorhetically inspire with its blossom, new buds on the trees and warm days, yet I still yearn for the gone days of Winter.
The tree in the picture below is one of my Favourite trees in Ipswich. It died a few years ago now and yet it still stands, spiky and mean looking.
Nights like these do not come around very often I am sure. The combination of a full moon, and a sunset in the sky at the same time was a veritable photographic treasure chest! I fear there might not be another opportunity like this for a while so I made sure I made the most of it while I could.
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