Thursday, 16 April 2009

je suis... "storm killer"

Big News!!! we had our first thunderstorm of the year last night! Quite an early one aswell, seeing as its only the first part of April! I must admit however, the picture above is not from last night. It was taken during a huge storm a couple of years ago from my window.
I did not feel like the storm last night would last very long if I tried to photograph it. I have been told before that I am a "storm killer" (a person who can make a storm fizzle out as soon as they notice it.) I did not therefore want to tempt the storm into maliciously dissappearing on Baby Sis and I who were both hanging out of an upstairs window trying to get a better view of the lightning. (for once I wish Lightning would travel a little slower!)
I have loved thunderstorms ever since I was about 8 and I saw the film Twister (which remains my favourite film to this day). Ever day for months after I saw Twister, I found myself wanting to find out more and more and more about the weather. It didnt even matter if I was learning about storms. If it was weather, it was all good. the weather is still one of my great loves but now I have moved on to phtographing it.
....or attempting to anyway....
The storm last night was brilliant. the sky was lighting up for at least an hour and I am sure it is because I did not take my camera upstairs with me to try and photograh the lightening. I will get lightning pictures before the year is out though!


  1. OMG Fizz Twister is one of my favorite movies as well... "Cow" ... "Another Cow"... lol!

  2. "... actually I think that was the same one!"
    brilliant film!!!!!
