What does an insomniac do when she doesn't have a laptop?
good question.
Last night my laptop broke. Ok, if you must twist my arm... I broke my laptop. I was picking it up and my mind was occupid on a different train of thought. The flex which was charging my laptop got caught around the arm of my chair, the computer flew out of my hands and landed on the screen which promptly smashed.
I seem to have a bad way with computers. I always get the ones that either break, go frustratingly slow or have major personality issues!
Fortunately, I took out an insurance policy on my laptop when I bought it a month and a half ago. With this little handy piece of luck, I have been able to send my laptop to some people who will either repair or replace it.
All this means however that I am without a laptop for however long it takes for the "fixing people" to come up with a fixing strategy. Since I am a complete insomniac, my laptop is a bit of a lifeline. I can trawl the deadliest catch websites and forums and I can talk to my friends from around the world (who always do a marvelous job of keeping me entertained when theorhetically, I should be sleeping) so what I shall do instead, I have no idea!
I am thinking I might get through a whole lot of Deadliest Catch DVDs!
So everyone, Keep your minds on the task at hand and dont drop your laptops! if you do, you end up with a whole lot of mess to clean up!
Dad moment of the week..
"everyone knows tomatoes are 100% water, held together by a red colored gravity field!"
your dad is a riot