~My very orangey theme! what use are snacks if they are not in the "neon" food group!~
~Mom and Dad actually sitting together watching DC for once! (I had nicked Dad's chair as It is the only chair I can sit in to watch DC)~
~Me and my neon drink!!! Lovely!!! its scottish! and one of my favourites ever!~
~LATER~ What An evening!!!!! I did not think I could get more excited than I was earlier at the beginning of this post. as "Deadliest Catch Up" ended however, I was on my feet and pacing the room waiting for Episode one to start! I had drunk so much Irn Bru by this time and eaten so much candy that I was hyper on top of excited! Mom looked at dad and said "im wondering who Fizz's dealer is!"
I calmed down eventually. I gasped at all the tense moments in DC, giggled at the funny moments and very nearly cried when Captain Phil Harris got left at the dock.
I have decided to stop watching the episode previews since the previews for episode 1 left little to be discovered. I knew what was coming. Having decided this therefore, I have no idea what is coming next week so please no one spoil it for me :D
For now, I leave you with a reminiscence of Edgar Hansen's shifty eyes as Sig demended "no more stress!" you can't help but love Edgar!
hehehe. Ya I loved that part with Edgar giving Sig the look. All innocence. Trying hard not to give anything away. just enough to get you nuts till next week hehe.