Tuesday, 21 April 2009


~I thought that before I started this blog today, I would post a picture of Obscuria who inspired the Northwestern eggs! I wanted to post one of the pictures yesterday but I wanted to ask her permission first :D I wish I had been able to figure out how to get my eggs blue and white!!! :D ~
So! what does the word excitement mean to me? It means, Butterflies my stomach, Restlessness, a permanent excited smile and my parents giving me that "knowing" look. In 18 minutes, My 3 hours of Deadliest Catch shall begin with a Deadliest catch round up, and then Episode 1 of SEASON FIVE!!!! I have been very nice to the parents by doing the washing up for them so that they let me watch DC on the downstairs TV. (Dad saw through this little ploy but he doesn't seem to mind). I have also got in all my Deadliest Catch essentials! Reeses cups / Nutilicious bars, Cheesy Doritos and 'Irn Bru' (a lovely orange colour fizzy drink). I am going for the orange look tonight evidently!!! I have to dash now... my clock is now a T-minus 10 minutes!!!

~My very orangey theme! what use are snacks if they are not in the "neon" food group!~ ~Mom and Dad actually sitting together watching DC for once! (I had nicked Dad's chair as It is the only chair I can sit in to watch DC)~ ~Me and my neon drink!!! Lovely!!! its scottish! and one of my favourites ever!~

~LATER~ What An evening!!!!! I did not think I could get more excited than I was earlier at the beginning of this post. as "Deadliest Catch Up" ended however, I was on my feet and pacing the room waiting for Episode one to start! I had drunk so much Irn Bru by this time and eaten so much candy that I was hyper on top of excited! Mom looked at dad and said "im wondering who Fizz's dealer is!"

I calmed down eventually. I gasped at all the tense moments in DC, giggled at the funny moments and very nearly cried when Captain Phil Harris got left at the dock.

I have decided to stop watching the episode previews since the previews for episode 1 left little to be discovered. I knew what was coming. Having decided this therefore, I have no idea what is coming next week so please no one spoil it for me :D

For now, I leave you with a reminiscence of Edgar Hansen's shifty eyes as Sig demended "no more stress!" you can't help but love Edgar!

1 comment:

  1. hehehe. Ya I loved that part with Edgar giving Sig the look. All innocence. Trying hard not to give anything away. just enough to get you nuts till next week hehe.
