Friday, 3 April 2009

I shall not let myself stay up late tonight. I promised myself I would get some sleep.
Before I do sleep however, I am going to watch a movie called "into the wild" which sounds quite good! It is about an idealistic college graduate from Atlanta GA, who travels to Alaska to live off the land. 5 minutes into this film and already I am loving it! Alaska is so beautiful and the Cinematography is perfect!
~ and another thing, The main character just got given a pair of Deck Boots (as Deadliest Catch fans would call them) I love when things remind me of DC. its always a fun moment.~
Tomorrow, Baby Sis is taking me into town to help her look for a wedding outfit . Our cousin Lucy is getting married to her fiancée Tony on the 11th of April. This will only be the second Wedding that I have been to since I went to my Auntie and Uncle's wedding when I was three but I love Weddings. This shall make two of my cousins out of..... 18 to got married. Hopefully I still have quite a few weddings to go to...
It is getting late now so before I sign off for the night, I just have to say that I cannot reccomend this film enough! Everyone should see it. This might be a contender for the spot of "my favourite film"!
a little p.s....
Monty has now fallen asleep on the floor beside me and is snoring. I love that dog ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that book was suggested to me by folks on the Wizard site. I still need to read it. Then maybe I'll rent it and stay awake long enough to watch it :-)
