~Mr and Mrs Wildon~

As I sit here in my usual spot writing my blog and eating some skittles, I am rather at a loss as to how I should relate my adventures this weekend.
I guess I should start out by saying a big "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" to my cousin Lucy and her now husband Tony who became Mr and Mrs Wildon on Saturday. The service as so special and held in a church with the most fantastic stained glass window above the altar. It is always a strange thing to see a member of your family marrying into another. I guess the feeling is different if you are in the family being married into. At this point Dad interjects with this point: "Its all a matter of perspective really. In a way, Tony's family have married into ours!" (a scary thought for them I think)
After the marriage and family photos outside the church, we traipsed over the other side of town for the wedding recption which had a marvellous theme! a mix of Xbox games (of which Tony is enraptured) and Cadbury chocolate (with which Lucy is a definate fan! -which woman isnt?-). All the tables were named after Levels on the Xbox game 'Halo'. Our table was named 'Sacred Promise' and there were other names such as 'Truth and Reconciliation' 'Far Sight Lost' and 'Forward Unto Dawn'. There was also a Mario Cart wedding cake with Princess Peaches and Mario on top instead of the traditional husband and wife figurines. On all of the tables there were place names in the form of china cups! and also favours in boxes with Cadbury easter eggs in! After an uproarous dinner sitting at a table with Tony's Aunt and Uncle Dawn and Andy, we signed two guestbooks. I wrote in Norwegian in the second Guestbook as Andy dared me to! (never dare me to do anything as I will do it!) I did of course translate so they could read what I wrote but it did show Andy that I did infact know my stuff : )
The speeches came after dinner which were such a treat! I always love the speeches at the end of dinner. Every single one was incredibly heartwarming and full of laughter and love and even Lucy wrote a speech! Never one to go with tradition, Lucy thought that it was time the bride was heared from and this got a big thumbs up from everyone!
The wonderful thing about the venue for the reception is that it had a pagoda outside! After dinner, the disco started up and since Baby Sis and I are not the biggest fans of "disco music" (which seems to incorporate the worst music selections from the past 40 years), we both went and spent some time dancing in the pagoda. Baby Sis taught me to waltz and how to do the jive (both of which I think I remember!).
Needless to say, since I have two left feet and the grace of a cinderblock, I kept standing on her feet so she gave up and suggested we go back to the disco (I really must have hurt her feet if that was her only option out!).
It turns out that it was a good idea to go in at that point as the chocolate fountain was then getting set up! a tall scrumptious tower of chocolate set upon a lit up table with all sorts of dip-able treats, this was one of the main attractions of the night (and much better than the chocolate fountain at Aimée's birthday party in January which almost killed us by firing chocolate at high speeds round the kitchen. My faith in chocolate fountains is restored!)
Saturday was a beautiful, sunny, happy, wonderful day and one that shall never be forgotten, especially not as it was followed by Easter Day!
we spent Easter Day at Grandma and Grandad's house and after Lucy and Tony's wedding yesterday and a definate lack of sleep last night (I think I got about 3 hours of sleep) I found myself falling asleep at every opportunity! (A fact that my family found quite hilarious). I am therefore very ready for some rest tonight and might even get to bed early! (...maybe)
Happy Easter!
HAHAHA I hate peeps...but my kids love them. My mom loves them too for some strange reason. It sounds like you guys had a wonderful time at the wedding. Love the theme! Cake looks incredible. I think the only thing I enjoy about churches is the stained glass windows. They are stunning. Happy Easter!