Friday, 24 April 2009

Steph Returns!!!

~Little Sis Steph is back for the weekend!!!~
~Here is Steph flying Baby Sis's huge kite (which damn near killed her!)~
~Little Sis would kill me if she saw I had put this picture of her up but I might be safe. I dont think she bothers to read my blog.~ All week I have been dying to tell you all a huge piece of news!!!
Steph has come home for the weekend for a surprise visit!
I was the only one in on the secret and so was sworn to secrecy. even my blog is not safe to broadcast secrets as I have a feeling that Baby Sis reads my posts from time to time if she is bored (and has told me to stop calling her Baby Sis. wether I will or not is a different matter altogether). All week long I have been preparing things on the hush hush. I sorted out a family get together for tomorrow, I have tidied (with mom's help, even though she thought we were tidying for tidy's sake) I dusted, and all the time had to remain boring and normal instead of doing the exact opposit and getting myself excited about seeing my sis who spends most of the year in Scotland Watching peoples reactions to seeing Steph today was very fun! She made her own way home from the train station and so when she rang the doorbell, Mom answered the door and gaspes saying "what on earth are you doing here!" Baby Sis disolved into tears (of joy, I must add), and when Dad came home, steph was in the kitchen so Dad was lead in. Thinking that we had something specil for tea, he did a double take when he saw Steph and exclaimed "wow! are you edible then??"
After tea, we all went kite flying! we almost lost steph as the kite was big enough to actually haul her of the ground for a second. Various remarks such as "we need someone holding onto her waist" were made, but fortunately Steph managed to stay on the ground for the remainder of the evening.
Have fun everyone! happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nope ! last time I checked you were two Years littler than me :)
    YOU GOT A BLOGGER ACCOUNT!!! *does happy dance*
