Thursday, 30 April 2009
Watch out for the Crabs!!!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Getting distracted! - Facebook is EEEEVIL!
Friday, 24 April 2009
Steph Returns!!!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Lonely evenings for a while.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009

~My very orangey theme! what use are snacks if they are not in the "neon" food group!~
~Mom and Dad actually sitting together watching DC for once! (I had nicked Dad's chair as It is the only chair I can sit in to watch DC)~
~Me and my neon drink!!! Lovely!!! its scottish! and one of my favourites ever!~
~LATER~ What An evening!!!!! I did not think I could get more excited than I was earlier at the beginning of this post. as "Deadliest Catch Up" ended however, I was on my feet and pacing the room waiting for Episode one to start! I had drunk so much Irn Bru by this time and eaten so much candy that I was hyper on top of excited! Mom looked at dad and said "im wondering who Fizz's dealer is!"
I calmed down eventually. I gasped at all the tense moments in DC, giggled at the funny moments and very nearly cried when Captain Phil Harris got left at the dock.
I have decided to stop watching the episode previews since the previews for episode 1 left little to be discovered. I knew what was coming. Having decided this therefore, I have no idea what is coming next week so please no one spoil it for me :D
For now, I leave you with a reminiscence of Edgar Hansen's shifty eyes as Sig demended "no more stress!" you can't help but love Edgar!
Monday, 20 April 2009
Fizzy's Northwestern Tribute!
Sunday, 19 April 2009

Thursday, 16 April 2009
je suis... "storm killer"

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
1 Week to go!!!

Sunday, 12 April 2009
An Easter weekend of weddings and chocolate.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009
A treasure chest of wonders!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
The rest of my day was spent Going to Mass and confession (this being Holy Week, now is the time for me to get sorted and start afresh and hopefully not sin too much before Easter) and this evening I saw Aimée again! We spent quite alot of our time looking at 'Twilight' trailers and discussing a certain male lead. I was trying so hard not to catch the "twilight bug" as it were. ah well, these things happen for a reason I guess!
My plans for tonight are Pride and Prejudice (which Brooke sent me a link to on the internet as I have never seen it before) and eating M&Ms! yummy! Enjoy your evenings everyone!!!
Monday, 6 April 2009
A Northwestern Pillow! and loooots of candies!
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Dont be crabby! :D
Today was Palm Sunday! It was the beginning of Holy Week, so easter really begins now! Mom, Baby Sis and I went to church for an extra special Mass. Palm Sunday Mass consists of holding palm leaves, Reading aloud from the Gospel of Mark, and being sprinkled with Holy Water. I didnt so much get "sprinkled" but doused" with Holy Water! This is what I get from standing where Father Leeder walked past twice!
After Church, we came home and after lunch, we got to meet our new neighbors! Niall Stacey and their two year old (and Very cute) daughter Zoe came round to introduce themselves. They moved in last tuesday and since the weather was beautiful, we spent an enjoyable afternoon in the garden drinking tea and eating biscuits! (how british that sounds!)
After a great evening snuggled on the couch with Grandma and Grandad who came round for tea, I am now settled down with a cup of coffee and Monty and I are going to watch LA Ink.
Have fun guys and dont be crabby!!!