So yesterday's Snow carried on as it had started. Blizzards into the night, turning the world orange from the glow of the sodium lights that line our streets. The Horse signpost strapped to the streetlight outside was starting to get coated in ice when I finally left my window to watch the superbowl at 11:30pm.
I LOVED the superbowl! go Steelers!!! I have 3 favourite NFL teams. Seahawks, Ravens and Steelers and I am thrilled to have one of my teams do well! (usually when I support any sports team they loose miserably and I end up sad. Maybe judging by last night, the curse is broken!!!)
Below you can see my main party food from the mini shindig my dad and I had. The essential M&Ms were there of course! I was also relying on copious amounts of Red Bull and coffee as the thought of sleep was getting quite attractive towards 03:00am. I finally got 4 hours of sleep and then woke up bright and early to start my day.

We got about 3 inches of snow today! I took this picture from the car as we drove into Ipswich (which was quite interesting as the car was slipping and the wheels were spinning. we made it into town safely however). Today just happened to be the day we were scheduled to stand for 3 hours in the highstreet collecting for a charity called 'Child Reach'. In August this year, my sister is going to climb mount Kilimanjaro in Africa and all the money she raises for the trip will be going towards Child Reach. This charity helps children in Africa to buy learning equipment and essentials like toilet blocks etc. Needless to say, the snow meant that we didnt raise too much money however. An hour of standing in the snow was all we could manage and we collected £27. My sister needs to raise £2,200 and so far has got £500. She has quite a way to go but hopefully we can make it.
so there we are!
the snow is now melting outide and rain is now beginning to fall, but we are expecting more snow later on in the week so maybe someone in my family will show me some pity and go sledging with me!
I shall keep my fingers crossed!
Lol. It sounds like it was a long night for you. It was a really good game even though Im not a fan of either team. Hopefully she will make all the money she needs to make. Thats quite a challenge! Good luck to her.