Wednesday, 25 February 2009

What is the word for that "Bluey-Greeney" colour?

Voila. My first Photoshop Picture that I am relatively pleased with. I spent a few hours being tutored by Reesa the other night in how to use this program (which I am fast getting used to I think!) I didnt do too much today, (apart from Ash Wednesday Mass, picking up a parcel box and posting a package at the post office, Walking to my grandparents house for lunch, ironing, watching DC, failing miserably to take ANY photographs, and now watching Storm Chasers!!!) Hopefully, I might get a chance to take some Sunrise pictures tomorrow morning! I miss taking sunrise pictures as it is my favourite time of the day. By my calculations, it has been three weeks since our last good sunrise and I am fed up with grey mornnings. Sunrise is at 06:50 am so I shall have to be up at 06:45 so I can be in the south fields in time. The forecast says there is a good chance of relatively clear skies so I hope for sanity's sake they are right. For days, I have been checking the forcast for clear skies so if I get up early and it's drizzling again, I shall not be the happiest Fizzy in the Universe. wish me luck!!!


  1. really like the pic Fizz. its a shame Im not talking to you though...

  2. Aw c'mon! you know ya love me really :D
    Even if I cant play pool!!!
