Wednesday, 18 February 2009

361 and counting...

I got my copy of Luckiest Catch!!!!!
and right now... I cant watch it. My computer keeps holding up its hands in horror and doing the "blue screen of death" thing. It works too hard and worries itself into a coma the poor little computer! (here I go again, personifying electrical goods. I am surprised I havent named it spud or something yet! .... Or did I just in fact name it Spud...)
My day in London/Kent was great. I do love day trips as I get to sleep in my own bed at the end of the day. (not that I am doing much sleeping in it in recent days, To bed at 01:30, up at 07:15, what a life.
The sad news of the day is, The swing tree has toppled over. The swing tree had an amazing rope swing in it that swung you off a hill about 15 foot in the air and then back again. (you could only do 1 swing at a time though because if you got stuck, you would get stuck 15' in the air. Today on our walk over Mill Hill, I discovered the sad truth that swings are not immortal. They do eventually shuffle off their mortal coil and go the way of the Dodo and so now we need a new swing!!!
I wonder, does anyone know the exquisite experience of attics belonging to grandparents? My Granny has an awesome attic. Stuffed with amazing items, like scale model sailing ships, a table tennis table, board games from the 70s, a bed, hidey holes and cupboards that extend into the roof space, aaaand a conveniently placed drum kit.
whilst playing table tennis with Baby Sis today, I happened to spectacularly fall over this drum kit! Baby Sis and I are NOT very good at table tennis (which is hilarious when two complete idiots like ourselves are given bats) and so consequently, I was diving for a ball which was about to fly over my right hand shoulder. I took one step too many however and I flew over the drumkit and onto the floor wth a resounding crash!!! cymbals and drums went flying and I was almost poked in the eye by a very sharp drumstick. It was one of those falls that you know is going to be a really slow fall. I could feel myself going, but was unable to slow my momentum and so ended up looking quite embarassed amidst an untidy drumkit and almost a whole bookcase (which fortunately decided not to fall on me). After this display of gymnastic prowess and Sis's very tasteful display of playing table tennis with an air rifle, we both collapsed in giggles and had to cart ourselves off downstairs. Table tennis over with there shall now be approximately 3 balls stuck under the bed, and quite a few that we havent a clue where they went!
all in all, it was a good day!
I am now re-taking the tootsie pop test due to demands of a recount! So-far, I am up to 361 licks. something must have gone horribly wrong yesterday for me to miss out 259!
have a happy thursday everyone! Its now 00:45 and this Is Fizz signing out! Bruises and all.


  1. roflmao omg. you are such a riot. I hope you had fun goofing around in your grannys attic.

  2. Oooo... a drum kit!… Perhaps Granny will donate it to our cause… you know the “Triple C” Band (Coffee, Chocolate, Cigarettes)… I don’t know if Sig has his own drums anymore, he may need them! ;o) lol!

  3. well I was thinking that too!!! :D I think I dented the cymbal thing however so we shall have to replace that, (you would never know I was musically ignorant would you! ah the sophistication of my musical language! "cymbal thing"!!!)

  4. And how many licks are you up to geting to the center of that tootsie roll pop? (having to catch up on yesterday's blogs).
