Good News!
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Banana Milk ... yum!
Good News!
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Batteries not included

Wednesday, 25 February 2009
What is the word for that "Bluey-Greeney" colour?
Voila. My first Photoshop Picture that I am relatively pleased with. I spent a few hours being tutored by Reesa the other night in how to use this program (which I am fast getting used to I think!) I didnt do too much today, (apart from Ash Wednesday Mass, picking up a parcel box and posting a package at the post office, Walking to my grandparents house for lunch, ironing, watching DC, failing miserably to take ANY photographs, and now watching Storm Chasers!!!) Hopefully, I might get a chance to take some Sunrise pictures tomorrow morning! I miss taking sunrise pictures as it is my favourite time of the day. By my calculations, it has been three weeks since our last good sunrise and I am fed up with grey mornnings. Sunrise is at 06:50 am so I shall have to be up at 06:45 so I can be in the south fields in time. The forecast says there is a good chance of relatively clear skies so I hope for sanity's sake they are right. For days, I have been checking the forcast for clear skies so if I get up early and it's drizzling again, I shall not be the happiest Fizzy in the Universe. wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
what do you mean its pancake day!???
Monday, 23 February 2009
Matchstick eyes? Not for me!
~~~ Hilarious Dad moment of he week, Dad: "Any minute now there's gonna be a lonely whale turn up in our front garden!" (Dad is conviced that all Sigur Rós tracks sound like very bad whale song recordings.) (I wonder what you think. Whale music? or not whale music?)
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Duck, Duck, GOOSE!
(oh, and for anyone who is still wondering, It takes 1,332 Licks to get to the centre of a tootsie pop! )
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Day of the shadow tree

Life is like that though I guess.
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
361 and counting...
Monday, 16 February 2009
Running on Felixtowe Beach

We are... Like a crab.

The funniest part of the weekend was when a habit of scuttling sideways for biscuits appeared, whilst talking in the kitchen. Not wanting the others to think we were being greedy and eating all of the custard creams, we would sneak over nonchalantly (and sideways) and quietly half-inch a bikki. When someone did spot this, I said the one line that stuck with us for the rest of the weekend. "We are... Like a Crab" *presses tips of fingers together and glares evily over them* A very odd moment occured when we were playing on the swings at the park (like ya do) and two little girls who were near us, pointed at either Brother Mershon or Father Elias and said "who is he supposed to be then? Jesus?" They weren't asking us. I kinda wish they had been as we would have been kind enough to explain and educate them if they had. As they were being quite... unimaginative -shall we say- however, we let them think what they wanted and just creased into giggles! It was nice to see people from all over the country (some of whom I hadn't seen for about 3 or 4 years and have now for some unknown reason grown Taller than me!!! (this is not allowed. they should stay 9 forever) and it was so nice to be introduced to new people and be friendly to them Lastly:
I thought I would show you one of the "here today, goo tomorrow" adverts as I love them! these are the Best cream egg adverts in YEARS! I hope you enjoy it.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Mystical Box of Delights
Ice, Snow and sore fingers

Wednesday, 11 February 2009