Origionally today, I was just going to post this picture of the moon that I took this evening. As I sat down at my computer just now however with the aim in my mind of "uploading the moon", I was not expecting what was to happen next. I had pressed the "new post" button and the window had appeared when suddenly, My phone rang. It was Aimée. A very nice surprise in any case but extra fortuitous today however. I have always been unable to multitask. When people say "all women can multitask" they have obviously never met me! Therefore, when Aimée rang, I had to stop what I was doing and decided to look out of the window. Im afraid Aimée was greeted with a cry of "Oh my God look at the sunset!!!!!" and was then highly amused as I grabbed my camera and rushed into the garden.
What I didnt know untill I got into the garden was that it was raining! Therefore aswell as the spectacular sunset out the back of the house, there was a rainbow out the front!
I do apologise for the last picture. It looks a bit rough but it was the only one that showed the sunset colours and the blue sky behind!
right off to have tea now!
and then Im going to make a 5 minute mug cake! :D
Well good thing Aimee called!… Beautiful pictures! Hope you called her back and thanked her! lol!