Since I was travelling into town today, I thought I would take my Norwegian Course books and excercise book with me. I ordered a HUGE mug of extra strong black Americano coffee and sat down and started work. I must have nursed that coffee for 3 quarters of an hour basically because of the sheer volume of coffe in the mug (which was too big for me to even get my fingers all the way round) and because I was out of money by this time. £2.50 got me 3 quarters of an hour of coffee heaven and THAT my friends, is why I shall be going back there.
After an ALMOST successful attempt at getting onto the NW forums, I went into Christchurch Park which was teeming with life. People, Dogs, Birds, Squirrels, Flowers! what more could you want! I had a great time walking around the wide expansive parkland and even managed to get to talk to little sis Steph on the phone who was on her way to Dundee!
So Friday the thirteenth wasn't so bad (even though I did have to keep saluting lone magpies. they were coming out of the woodwork today!) and apart from the odd frustration, the odd injury (I blame the date for the various stubbed toes, bent fingers and bruises) I had fun. especially playing with the remote controlled morphibian that I got Baby Sis for her birthday.
You Tube have conceeded and have put sound back on my BERING SEA video! now people can watch it with sound again! :D
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