Friday, 17 September 2010

End of the Summer

The end of the Summer. One of my favourite times of the year. Time to hunt in your wardrobe for those hoodies that you adore and that save you from the sometimes bitter early morning chill and time to find your fingerless gloves for morning explores with the doggy. Every year, autumn comes and I find myself making preparations for the winter.
Today whilst walking Monty in the south fields, I spied a branch of Sloe Berries glowing a radiant dark blue amongst the green leaves and after hunting in my pockets found a cloth bag in which to stash some of the autumn fruits. After a half an hour of getting spiked by the thorns in the hedgerow, I had a full bag of the berries to show for my efforts and that is always a good feeling.
I plan to make Sloe Gin with the berries which is always a long process. I adore the fact however that after the Sloe Gin is made you can drink it and remember picking the berries (and caring for the cuts on your hands from the spiky bush, afterwards) and the drink tastes even better for having been made at home. Most of the Liqueur will probably be given away as Christmas presents but I probably have enough berries now for two bottles. Another couple of berry picking sessions and I shall have enough to get started!
Now all I have to do is find some small empty wine bottles with screw cap lids... I think its time for a trip to Sainsburys to sample some of their miniature wine bottles!

Friday, 14 May 2010

Long Time, No Winter

Greetings folks! I must apologise for the shamefull absence of blogging coming from my computer of late. there was no real reason for this other than lack of inspiration and a rather un-usefull habit of forgetting to take my camera anywhere. it has therefore been languishing and getting used to a life of long snoozes and occasional brief outings Since my last post was a good few months ago, I thought I would post a few photographs of the winter and spring, which came all too soon but which has brought happiness to many after a winter of "road grit rationing", and near record low temperatures. (yet again, I seem to be left longing for a return of winter which was glorious and once again did not last long enough.)
Fishing on a calm, very cold December morning

The morning after the first snow storm of the year. this snow stuck around for roughly a month

Lauren finds the first Snowdrops of the year (Feb 17th)
Snow still on the mountains. Fitz park, Keswick
Hill and Forest walks with Sue in Cumbria

My aim is to start blogging again a little more regularly. wish me luck in my endeavour!! the world is full of things just waiting to be discovered and with a little nudging from my sister Stephanie, I'm sure there will be more posts on their way some time.