I am posting these completely un-edited pictures from yesterday because frankly, they speak for themselves! there was no adjusting of the brightness or contrast needed as the light was perfect for once.
I was in Holywells park and I had a marvellous time being in a place that I spent alot of my childhood. The sun was shining and making everything look so fresh and vibrant! I spent a little while near a wildlife stream (the top two pictures) and then kicked off my shoes and crossed the wide expance of parkland towards a very inviting tree on a small hill. I lay for about an hour underneath this tree listening to my earphones (in which was playing an odd music choice for such a relaxing day. Metal. -check out "Sikth", a really good band). While there, I just had to take a picture of my view into the branches of the tree. Every now and again, a Coal Tit would come and hop along the branches above me and even the noise of guitars, drums shouting from my earphones could disrupt a reeling of relaxation.
I did not put my shoes back on for the rest of the day! I walked barefoot back up a stony track back to the car and spent the rest of the day barefoot. I like having that freedom. Days like that do not come around very often.
On the news side of things, today saw my family and I taking a trip up to Aldeburgh to take the grandparents off for their holiday and tonight sees Dad and I running to the Train Station to pick up my sister Steph who is coming home for the summer!!! *celebrates* It will be great to be a family of five again. She has been travelling first class today, with as much tea and biscuits as she can eat! I think she may be travelling first class again somehow.
Right now, I am off to do some art and then go to get lil sis.
Have a good weekend everyone!!!